Volume One 2010
Upcoming Workshops
Assess your Business
Discover your current state
and true potential.

Learn to conduct a comprehensive business diagnostic using relevant
techniques from Lean Thinking, Theory of Constraints, Lean Six Sigma,
and Best Practice (read more...)

When: 16th to 18th November 2010 (3 days)
Where: SAB Training Institute, Johannesburg
Facilitator: Rose Heathcote (read biography...)

Spaces are limited, so contact us now for a quotation or further information
Recent Successes
Thinking People help to “administer lean treatment” in South African Hospitals
When it comes to improvement and maximising value to the Customer, the Public Health Sector is no different. Opportunities for simple, low cost changes have been highlighted through structured Kaizen workshops hosted by the Lean Institute Africa (LIA).

In support of the initiative, Thinking People employed a Kaizen Blitz Approach in a rural Eastern Cape hospital, to impact focus areas such as patient safety, infection prevention
and control, waiting times, cleanliness and medicine availability. Average employees produced brilliant results through team involvement, structured guidance, and a desire to improve the patient experience for the local community.

In just 5 days, results of greater than 300% improvement in 5S Scores; over 100% improvement in Stock Availability; and over 100% improvement in Patient Waiting Times were achieved directly contributing to the Purpose of the hospital.

This highlights yet again, the bigger picture of what Lean has to offer. Localised improvements in individual organisations is good, but improving the quality of life of South Africans or the country’s economic growth is inspiring. Think about this impact the next time you tackle a lean intervention...
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Recent Events
Lean Institute Africa Summit 2010
We wish to thank Prof. Norman Faull and his team for hosting another superb Lean Institute Africa Summit. Through the contributions from the Lean community, it is possible to advance Lean Thinking amongst practitioners, and provide sufficient examples to build the confidence in individuals to try.

Thinking People were proud sponsors of the event, and presented a workshop featuring an Integrated Approach to Lean Thinking. We emphasised the importance of linking improvement to the bottom line, and how principles from Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints and other methodologies can be used in tandem to develop the Future State.

There were many key learnings to take home from the various speakers, but a few that stood out for us, included:
  • Set people up to succeed
  • Encourage a leadership style that says “follow me, and let’s figure this out together”
  • Build people, before products and services
  • When you tell someone what to do, you deprive them of the ability to think and take on a responsibility they should own
  • Seek mutual trust
  • Align People and Process, to achieve Purpose
  • Be Exact. Steer clear of generalisation
  • The Thinking Production System is an aspiration
We look forward to welcoming you to future events, to share your experience and help others to see the potential.
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New Products
Value Stream Mapping Workbook to be launched November 2010
A Practical DIY Manual that provides you with a step-by-step approach to Value Stream Mapping plus the depth of interpretation needed to build the Future State Vision.

The Value Stream Mapping Manual is from our PROCESS range.

Contact us for more information.